
Ahh, the breeze swept over my face, cooling down the burning scar I had gotten from a twig. The trek was a long one. It took a lot of exploring random other paths to get to the correct one. But there I was, at the top of the hill, with sun setting over the horizon. There was nothing but the sound of the wind rustling by the trees and the mountains, the mighty roar of it’s power. I sat by the edge, just taking it all in. It was an experience, nature designed just for me, at that very second, at that very day. All for me. The colours in the sky were now merging into one. The birds were hurrying back to their nests before the night could creep in. I would go back to my home soon. But that very moment was for me. Just me. And I had never felt luckier.

Author: meghapatwardhan

An observant who's always in search of words and stories to tell. Also, a dentist.